Liberty's Safir is the 1st & only Cane Corso in Canadian history to achieve both IPO nd French Ring titles.
He passed his IPO BH test at a very young age of 18 months, achieved IPO 1a title the following fall and IPO 2a title a year later
at a young age of under 4 years old. Safir earned High Obedience Trophy in his IPO 1a routine, as well as placed 1st in 2 CKC CD
legs and High in Trail in one of Rally Obedience legs (CRN). In his IPO 2a, Safir achieved a very impressive score of 88
in Obedience and 81 in protection with a Pronounced Courage Rating, under the well known judge Lance Collins - the highest rating a dog can obtain.
In spring 2014,
at 4 years old and after just two short days of training, Safir became the first and only Cane Corso in Canada to achieve
a French Ring Brevet title under the judge Dominique Piton from France. Safir, along with his owner and a first-time
handler Alla Zilberg, is currently training for an IPO 3a title, as well as exploring other new and exciting sports.
Safir's stable temperament, athleticism, and desire to work, along with his beautiful confirmation, is
a true testament to this magnificent working breed. I truly believe that there is no task that this dog could not excel at!